Posts tagged with "2016"

April 30, 2016
Lately, I'm all about efficiency and short-cuts when it comes to cooking. Ever since giving birth to my daughter, we just don't have the kind of time we used to have (those friends who'd told us that kids would change EVERYTHING were right all along). 「子供ができたら生活の全てが変わるよ!」という先輩方の言葉通り、1日があっという間に過ぎて、時間のマネジメントがうまくいかない日々です・・・。

Sewing · April 30, 2016
This is the exciting time for sewists around the world! Zoe of "So Zo... What do you know?" blog is hosting another Me-Made May event. 今年もこの季節がやってきました!世界中の手作り&洋裁好き仲間と交流できるMe-Made-Mayイベントが、今年も開催されるようです。

Sewing · April 25, 2016
I finally finished this pink wool-blend jacket which I started last year for my mother. 母のリクエストで昨年暮れに取り掛かったウール混紡のジャケットが、やっと完成しました。

Sewing · March 22, 2016
I've made several baby's footed pants so far. They are great to layer over bodysuits. I tried 4 different patterns for footed baby pants, and my favorite is this one. *This post contains affiliate links. I may make small commissions on qualifying purchases made through these links アメリカの型紙(Simplicity1564)...


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